
Evangelist this Sunday!

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Wheatland is having Evangelistic Meetings with Evangelist Scott Sivnksty Sunday, Sept. 24 through Wednesday, Sept. 27.   Plan to be here and pray that God might accomplish His work in your life through the faithful and clear proclamation of God’s Word by God’s servant.  Be praying for revival and God’s power to be evident that week!   Brother Scott will be preaching in both our morning service and 6:00 evening service Sunday as well as Monday through Wednesday evenings at 7:00.   We will be receiving a love offering at each service.  Let’s give as generously as we can to help with the expenses of his good ministry.

We plan to have a “Bring Your Neighbor” Fellowship & Food Night Sunday night, Sept. 24th after the evening service.  We’d like to ask each family to bring some food to share for that night.

Pray for God to accomplish His work in our midst during this week of preaching.  We hope to see you there!